Fate: The cursed King

Fate: The Cursed King is an action role-playing game developed and published by WildTangent in 2011. It is the fourth and final installment in the Fate series, following Fate, Fate: Undiscovered Realms, and Fate: The Traitor Soul.

                The plot in this final game builds upon what has transpired in the previous versions. Outside the “Grove” featured in other Fate games, is a land called “Ekbatan”. While venturing outside the city seeking adventure, the main character comes across a cave and is drawn inside by a glimmer. Inside, there is an old chest with writing across it that they cannot read. Opening the chest out of curiosity, they release T’kala, an evil necromantic priest who was executed and sealed in the chest for committing treason against the Cursed King. He proceeds to destroy Ekbatan in an attempt to find and kill the king. Hoping to undo the evil they unleashed, the character sets out to free the king’s advisers, find the King, stop T’kala and break the curse. The plot is fairly linear as the progression through the three dungeons all leads to finding the king and his advisers and the eventual defeat of T’kala.

                Game-play remains the same as the previous games. There are a few changes namely one more race, and Imp, has been added to the playable races. Also, three different dungeons have been added, the Caverns of Living Fire, Crypt of T’kala, and Haunted Palace, replacing the other dungeons that were familiar sights in the former games.

                Nothing much has changed from Fate: The Traitor Soul. Game-play is still the same, levels, generate the same way, movement, spell casting, and combat all still remain the same. This can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how the player looks at it. I tend to view it as a good thing. It keeps the game familiar to me but still offers a new story plot and different locations. I would certainly still recommend this game to a new player of the genre.

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